Executive Coaching

Coaching can transform the effectiveness of individuals, and when applied to senior executives, can significantly impact organizational performance Time and again, the same stumbling blocks can prevent success within a business. Through coaching, organizations can uncover these barriers and work with individual executives to overcome them.

The mounting pressure on today’s executives threatens to suffocate organizational development as CEOs and the executive team tackle greater accountability, visibility and constant technological and sociological developments. Working with our team of psychologists and business consultants, executives are given the tools to maximize their effectiveness and the performance of their entire business through self-awareness of their own strengths and weaknesses.

Through developing emotional intelligence, aligning personal goals with corporate strategy and taking control of the connection between culture and strategy, executive performance can be transformed on a personal and corporate level.

The Incumbent Trap: How do you know if you have the right team in place?

As an executive stepping into a new role, you’ve likely inherited your team. You’ll need to quickly decide if you’re going to reshuffle the team or keep it as is. Here’s how to work your way through this critical decision.

Ask and Listen: Engage stakeholders early and set the tone for your leadership

During the first few weeks in your new position, you’ll want to hear from as many people as you can. The key to acing these meetings is to listen. Check your ego at the door and let your stakeholders do the talking.

Getting What You Need from Your Board

Success requires taking time for due diligence, building relationships, and prioritizing time with your board chair.